How an app helps parents stay connected with their child's sports activities?

If you’ve ever wondered, “What app do parents use to track their kids?”, especially with sports kind of activities, then you’ve landed on the right page. This article deals with the problems of countless parents out there whose children are into sports or games in terms of managing their activities. In the first case, managing a single child who is into one particular sport itself is problematic. Imagine parents with two or more children who are into different sports. Truly, that’s daunting and if you’re one such parent, you know how relatable this is. 


That is why, in this blog post, let’s understand how advanced software applications have come to the rescue and can solve this real-time problem.

Decoding the problems of parents managing sporting activities 

In one word, we can say that managing a child’s sports activities is difficult. But when we decode them on a day-to-day basis, the problems are many.

  • Managing the progress of the child in that sport
  • Inquiring the coach or the mentor for the latest actions or updates 
  • Communicating with the sports academy or the institution for announcements
  • Preparing the child for practice matches or training
  • Penning down their version of the daily activity tracker on paper
  • Making decisions about everyday travel and schedule for the sport
  • Balancing the school, sports, and social aspects of the child
  • Caring for the child with a proper diet plan to aid sports performance
  • Motivating the child to improve focus on the game

Certainly, the above list is never-ending and that’s how challenging this job is for every parent like you.

Have you heard of the Sports Tracker app for parents?

A sports tracker app is a software application that helps sports teams, players, coaches, parents, and other stakeholders stay connected or communicated. It is a kind of team communication or management application that’s specially designed for people in the sports realm. Ideally, these apps are a perfect one-stop solution to the above-listed problems. From event updates to communications, from schedules to commutation, everything becomes easier for the parents once they start using a sports team communication app that the respective coaches or academy recommends. 

The undeniable benefits of sports team management or sports team communication apps

Broadly, it is easy and time-saving for the parents to 

  • Track the child’s daily performance and activities.
  • Arrange for the logistics without any delay.
  • Plan for the upcoming events or matches.
  • Respond to game/match invitations or RSVP.
  • Engage with other parents of the same team.
  • Follow the latest announcements, updates, and news.  
  • Review the tips, strategies, or guidance of the coach.
  • Accolade or follow other players in the team.
  • Schedule the weekly activities concerning sports. 
  • Balance education and personal life.

and so on. Additionally, a sports team app helps parents avoid the use of pen and paper to manage or track their kid’s sports. Instead, they can have all things up-to-date at their fingertips on this app. Well, what else do you need to track your kid’s sports?


Effective management of a child’s sports activities will enable them to become great athletes or best players in their sport. Therefore, it is a shout-out to all parents to start using a sports app for children. This will help their child achieve goals and materialize dreams and aspirations. 

Did you know? The No. 1 sports team management app—Actavivo—is free to download! Try now >>>